Reduce testing time in your project

Software testing is laborious. It is a long process that must not be omitted in any case if we need to deliver a full-born product. However, many tasks performed by manual testers are repetitive processes that take a lot of time, require many activities, and increase the risk of errors due to their repetitive nature.

In such situations, automated testing might help you. It lets you release some burden from your specialists and assign them to more demanding activities in many projects. As such, it simultaneously contributes to increasing ROI in testing. Check out how Craftware’s automation testers can prepare your organization to enter the next level of software quality development.

computer work
  • icon_oszczednosc-czasu-konsultantow-1

    Reduce testing time

    Speed up the process by running tests outside standard working hours.

  • icon_zwieksza-jakosc-oprogramowania

    Increase software quality

    Increase the number of spotted errors with well-programmed and executed tests.

  • icon-swiadomosc-produktu

    Unleash the potential of your testers

    Let your manual testers perform tasks requiring special skills.

  • icon-optymalizacja-kosztow

    Reduce your costs

    Use our ROI calculator to check whether automatic tests will bring you savings.

Our Certificates
  • international-ruby-on-rails-certification
  • istqb agile
  • istqb-certified-tester-foundation-level
  • master automation UFT QTP certification
  • pluralsight-automated-web-testing-selenium
  • pluralsight
  • prince 2 foundation
  • profesional scrum fundamentals certified sfc
  • provar
  • UiPath Developer Advanced
  • six sigma yellow belt
  • trisar - management 3.0
BDD Methodology
  • Numerous changes of environments (browsers, OS, servers, applications)

    AND Increasing regression scope

    AND Limited resources for manual testing

    AND Need for a tester who knows the application

    AND Necessity to check whether proper environments are ready for testing

    AND Tests taking a lot of time

  • Automated Testing

  • Reduced test involvement

    AND More tests performed

    AND Shorter performance time

    AND Greater coverage

    AND Testing of various browsers/OS/devices

    AND Reduced total cost

    AND Higher testing quality

    AND Support for continuous integration

Maria Janiszewska

Sales Director

Do you need more information?
We are happy to answer all your questions.
Decisive factors for test outsourcing
experts availability
lower cost

Source: Trends in Software Testing, Business Excellence, July 2016, KMPG.

Why us?
  • icon_doswiadczeni-eksperci

    Experienced automation testers

    Craftware employs a dozen of automation testers who have taken part in international projects.

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    Knowledge of frameworks

    We know HPE UFT, Selenium Webdriver and derivatives, Provar, Soap UI, Rational Integration Tester, Rational Functional Tester, Postman, and such.

  • icon_zarzadzaj-sprzedaza-BIZ

    Consulting competence

    We combine technical and consulting skills. We can help you to take the next step on the road to test automation.

  • icon-reuzywalnosc-srodowisko

    Environment reusability

    We create our automated tests so that, in the future, they are also available for your employees.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • First, we determine the areas where we can perform automatic tests and consider what business value we want to derive from them this way. Is it checking the system performance? Perhaps we need quick information on the product’s quality we are developing? When we determine the purpose of automated tests, we take care of the technical aspect; we select the tool and create the test environment and the scripts necessary to execute the tests. After running the tests, we can analyze the results and verify whether we have achieved the intended business value.

  • Automation is indispensable in performance, load, and overload testing. However, some aspects are difficult to automate. Some non-functional tests related to aesthetics, clarity, or legibility, for example, are based on subjective impressions. We cannot determine the initial conditions and expected results for them. Therefore, the appearance or clarity can only be judged by a human eye (and therefore by manual testing).

    Similarly, it is not possible to automate accessibility tests that are performed to evaluate the software concerning adaptation to the needs of people with disabilities. Therefore, the recommended automation scope should include regression testing requirements. In their plan, it is necessary to determine which parts of the manual regression test cases are subject to automation.
    Test automation should not focus on new or changing features and areas.

  • Repetitiveness is automation’s great advantage. Assuming the correct implementation of automated tests, we can ensure that necessary actions will be performed the same on each occasion. Moreover, unlike humans, these tests work constantly without breaks for coffee, sleep, or weekend rest. ? However, automated tests lack some elements needed to thoroughly test an application: intelligence, intuition, and imagination. Automation supplements manual tests but cannot replace, for example, exploration tests or a technique based on error guessing, based on the tester’s experience, both in the context of the tested product and the tools used to create it.