
Our Customer is one of the world’s largest consumer healthcare companies, with its headquarters in the United Kingdom. The Company has a broad portfolio of products, including over-the-counter medicines and various nutritional drinks. The business case below introduces the cross-functional DevOps team working in the Veva technolgy.

Sławomir Patrzałek

Sales Manager

Building a DevOps team in Veeva technology
Learn how advanced technical consulting helps to create the best-fitting team for the project
More about Craftware
  • We are the Veeva Partner

    The status we acquired is proof of our experience and expertise.

  • icon_swiadomosc-produktu

    In the Life Science industry since 2016

    For over 5 years, we operate in Life Science. We build teams of specialists who know and understand the requirements of this industry.

  • icon_doswiadczeni eksperci

    Broad range of competencies

    We provide the full spectrum of experts and we can take care of your project – from start to finish.

  • product-agile-projects

    Methodologies knowledge

    Our specialists have been working in Agile projects for years and they know how to adapt to the changing needs of customers.