Akademia Salesforce
Enter the exciting world of Salesforce!

Do you look for your first job in the IT industry? Do you want to develop practical skills in how to create software according to the highest standards? Salesforce is currently one of the most popular and fastest-growing global providers of IT solutions for business. For 20 years, Salesforce has been offering cloud applications in sales, customer service, marketing, community, and analysis.

The fame of Salesforce led us to the launching of Craftware Academy – an initiative thanks to which, within a paid internship lasting for several months, we educate specialists of various specialities. From developers through testers and analysts to consultants. So far, there have been seven editions of this event.

Academy’s program is created based on real-life examples, and because of that, it is practical and prepares for working in commercial projects. Academy’s participants have mentors who regularly evaluate them and give them constructive feedback. What’s more, we offer participants the opportunity to establish constant cooperation after the end of the Academy.

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    An opportunity to start an IT career

    Participation in the Academy is a first step into the world of technology and a chance for career development.

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    Future-oriented technology

    Salesforce is a solution gaining more and more popularity; until 2024, it will create over 6 million new vacancies.

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    Learning under the eye of mentors

    At the Academy, you learn under the eye of experienced specialists who are always ready to help you.

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    Non-corporate atmosphere

    At Craftware, we put people first, and we make sure everyone feels comfortable with us.

Participants about Academy
  • I have liked the team’s vibe and employee relations from the start. One of the reasons why I stayed was that the projects carried out by the company and the fact that I will be able to work for big, global organizations.

    Grzegorz Dybała
    Junior Business Analyst
  • The atmosphere at the Academy is friendly, and it promotes personal development. There is no competition — we all support and help each other. Though there are two teams, we have a sense of playing in the same one.

    Marta Grot
    Tester at Craftware